Thursday, June 21, 2007

Think of the possiblilities...and have a plan

This is a hard hitting post. I do not mean to offend but rather cause my readers to think through the possibilities.

I just finished reading an email from a list I'm on. It comes from the Voice of the Martyrs and each email includes true stories of Christians who are currently being martyred around the world. I also finished reading a book yesterday called The Martyr's Song by Ted Dekker.

We are currently so very fortunate to be living in the United States where martyrdom is rare. Sadly, we are starting to see more and more persecution of Christians in our nation though. In the media we are portrayed negatively. There are so many times that Christians are not allowed to speak or show their faith while it is considered intolerant or even a crime to ask other religions not to do so. So often, there is a hoopla over a display of a nativity scene. My wish is that if someone doesn't agree with what another is displaying in their home or business they walk away. When other religions are portrayed in the media as Christianity is, there is a horrendous outrage. My question then becomes, why isn't there an outrage? By outrage on our part, I refer to a peaceful stand not a violent one. Writing letters, attending meetings, speaking out and even turning off the television, not attending movies or boycotting the media. Why do we allow it? My concern, in the US, is not just for today but more so for the Christians of tomorrow.

Shannon and I have talked about the possibilities of martyrdom. Not necessarily because we are entering the mission field though. Fortunately, Tanzania, at this point, is a fairly safe place for Christians. Martyrdom can happen anywhere and we all need to be prepared for that possibility. Most of us remember Cassie Bernall, asked to renounce her faith, before she was shot and killed, here in the US. I have found it easy to say that if someone gave me the option I would take the bullet without hesitation, but what if it was my child's life on the line? What would I do? What would you do?

Consider the legacy you would leave if you did renounce your faith to save that child's life. Would you, in fact, save the child's life physically, only to end it spiritually? I know I would not want anyone,especially not my child, to live an earthly life after seeing me renounce my faith. I want be a stronger witness than that, as painful as it could be.

"If we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us." 2 Timothy 2:12

Something to think about...

This post was edited on 6/29/07 to more clearly portray my point.


Anonymous said...


Heaven is our home! God is our Father! Jesus is our lover... Let's lay it all down and run after HIM!

:^) Love you guys!
Jessie Kneprath

Qtpies7 said...

It would be hard to imagine what choice we'd make if it was our kids' lives on the line, but really, we have to choose the Lord and know that they Lord is in charge of our children's lives, and not one day will be shortened from it than He deems appropriate.